Our Environment


9:00 a.m., June 23, 2022 via MS Teams PRESENT: NEMI: Al MacNevin BICA: Chris Redstone MBA: Gerry Quinn, Elizabeth Quinn, John Woodrooffe FISHER WAVY (FW): Jamie Wallace, Bryan Dixon, Malcolm Croskery, Phil Annett DST Consulting Engineers: Jennifer Rainville ABSENT: Jeff Wallace, Gord Wallace Actions ...

Water Quality – How To Test Your Own Water

Don’t drink untreated lake water! The water quality in the Bay of Islands is very good, however, you should not drink raw lake water without first treating it! Raw lake water could contain bacteria and viruses that might make you sick. Public Health Ontario – Free Water Testing Public Health Ontario ...

Septic Systems: Pump-Out Information

Solids build up on the bottom of your septic tank, and a scum layer forms on the surface. Over time, the solids and scum can get so deep and thick that the solids can start to overflow into your septic field. This can lead to poor drainage and failure of the system. You don’t want that! That’s why ...

Septic 101 – How they work

Do you have a septic system? Do you wonder what happens when you flush the toilet? The Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA) has released a 5-minute video on YouTube addressing the basics of how a septic system functions, as well as best management practices. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04ZIjz8kAPw ...

Septic Systems – Do’s and Don’ts

Here’s a handy one-page pdf produced by the US EPA that you can download and post in your property to remind everyone of some best practices to help maintain your system. Do Your Part, Be SepticSmart: The Do’s and Don’ts of Your Septic System https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2017-07/documents/septicsmart_week_flyer_082415_508-v2.pdf ...

Environment Archive

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 Click on the title above to see the report. 9:00 a.m., June 19, 2019, Anchor Inn, Little Current, ON PRESENT:  NEMI:Al MacNevin BICA:Ted Cowan MBA:Gerry Quinn, John Woodrooffe, Elizabeth Quinn FISHER WAVY (FW):Jeff Wallace, Jamie Wallace, Bryan Dixon, Malcolm Croskery, Phil Annett, Léa ...