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89th Annual Member Meeting, join us this Saturday!

BICA’s 89th Annual Member Meeting (AMM) will be held this Saturday, July 27 at 10AM on Ireson Island, previous home of the historic Island Lodge (map), now lovingly restored by a group of families. We thank them for generously opening their camp to the BICA community and hosting our meeting this year!

Docking is at the main (south) side of the island. While ample docking is available, boat pooling is encouraged.

We are pleased to welcome guest speakers Chief Rodney Nahwegahbow and NEMI Mayor Al MacNevin.Please arrive at Ireson Island by 9:45AM. The meeting will start promptly at 10AM. Coffee will be served.Below you’ll find links to last year's meeting minutes and a link to proposed amended bylaws.· 2023 Annual Member Meeting Minutes· Amended bylaws 

For those of you who have not yet paid your dues, we will be accepting cash and cheques. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Holy mackerel! This year’s fish derby and fry were off the charts!

Saturday's fish derby & fry was another tremendous success for our Bay community! Our biggest social event of the year, it takes a school of volunteers to make happen. 

Thanks to our hosts with the most, John and Celesta Bjornson, for graciously opening up Ruby Island to the day’s events and so much more. To the fish cleaners, Lee “Knife” Tremblay, Reg and Thomas Drolet, and Rick Fournier. The cooks, Dan Lunham, Thomas and Abbie Drolet, and David Bousquet. Potato peelers Julie Devoe, Sheila Williams, Laura Farner, Celesta Bjornson, and on-the-ground team Bill Williams and Lisa Allison. And to Lee Tremblay for hauling garbage and recycling the next day, thank you all!Big thanks to Ryan Burton and Paul Sidi for organizing the derby and providing generous prizes. Thanks to John Bond for the kids’ prizes. And to Roc and Carolyn Lariviere for your support. Congratulations to Russell Vance for biggest catch of the day, and to Reg Drolet’s crew for biggest overall catch by a boat. To all the anglers, thanks for participating! On behalf of the BICA board, sincere thanks to everyone involved, and here’s hoping we can do it all over again next year! 

Russell Vance with his winning fish Thomas and Reg Drolet with largest catch of the day

NEMI Ward 1 Update

Our Councillor, Laurie Cook, shared the following update from NEMI Ward 1:

The Recreation Centre sees events all year long. Hockey and curling and pickleball, along with fitness and cooking classes are popular ways for people to stay active. Pickleball continues year-round and always welcomes new players. They meet Mon. Wed. and Fri. mornings. Contact Lisa Hallaert @ 705 368 2825 or for more information on this and other programs.  And new this year will be a Home, Cottage and Culinary Show on Aug. 9,10, and 11 held at the Recreation Centre.Also watch for "Junk in the Trunk" dates during the summer when you can bring your "treasures" to the Rec Centre parking lot to sell, or maybe go home with someone else's!

Lisa also manages the Centennial Museum in Sheguiandah (705 368 2367) which has some fascinating exhibits and frequent art shows. The Fall Fair on Sept. 14 is always a great family event.

And nearby, the Sheguiandah Archeological Site tour is becoming an interesting day trip, with entrance to the museum and it's relevant exhibits included with your

Also very popular is the NEMI Public Library (50 Meredith St West Little Current - 705 368 2444 )  and its growing number of services available to Ward 1 residents. They have recently added a Lending Library of tools and a huge array of sports and craft equipment.  There are multiple programs on offer for all ages, along with free Wi-Fi and computer use, hundreds of movie and TV CDs, e-books and on-line audio resources. All you need is a NEMI Public Library card - available to Ward 1 residents.

The landfill on Hwy 6 is open Tues. and Sat. from 9 to 3p.m. and on Sundays from 12 to 5p.m. 

The recycling bins are also back in Birch Island at McGregor's Landing. Please read what is accepted for recycling - and as always, no garbage! This is a service that we alone pay for from our Ward 1 taxes. And speaking of taxes - some welcome news is the recent announcement that our 2024 taxes in Ward 1 will be going up 1.67% instead of the anticipated 2.26%. This is due to MPAC's updated assessment figures for new building, although there is still no definitive date for MPAC to do its next Province-wide assessment.  This simply means that properties are still taxed at their 2016 values (barring any new builds or significant renovations. See for updates.)Lastly, if anyone is interested in applying to the McLean's Mtn. Windfarm fund for community group projects, please contact the Town Clerk, Pam Myers for more information. She can be reached at 705 368 3500 ext 228 or at hope you all have a wonderful summer and do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns. 705 282 7076 or hlaurie.cook@yandex.comAnd if you want to watch a Council meeting virtually - Zoom into Meeting # 489 313 1974 or call 1 587 328 1099

And as always - visit for more information or follow the NEMI FB page to see upcoming events:

Laurie CookCouncillor Ward1NEMI 

BICA 2024 Bylaws

The ONCA (Ontario Not for Profit Corporation Act) was updated in 2010 and only recently came into force on October 19th 2021.  There are new requirements for operating a not-for-profit outlined in the Act and our Association has until October 18th, 2024 to update our Bylaws and Articles to follow the new requirements.  The BICA Board of Directors formed a Bylaws committee to review the new requirements, draft an updated set of Bylaws, have them approved by the BICA membership, and then file the appropriate documents with the Government to make it official.   Many thanks to Trevor Marshall for leading this project and also to Ron Kivikink and Scott Boatman for their contributions.

Below you will find a final copy of the proposed 2024 BICA Bylaws, which we will ask the BICA membership to approve by Special Resolution at our Annual Members Meeting on July 27th, 2024.

Please review these Bylaws ahead of our meeting on the 27th.  While reviewing the Bylaws, you will see clarifications and additional information in footnotes that will help explain where new content and requirements come from.  If you would like further information, the following website is also an excellent resource with a clear and well organized breakdown of the new ONCA requirements and a how-to guide for transitioning here -

Where new information has been included (information not contained in previous BICA bylaws) it has been highlighted in yellow.  Where wording has been updated by the Bylaws committee or Board of Directors, it has been shown with blue text.

For quick reference, the following is a summary of the updated Bylaws operational highlights:

The three classes of Membership remain the same as the previous Bylaws; Full Membership, Associate Membership, and Honorary Life Membership (HLM). Full Members and HLMs have voting rights. Associate Members do not have voting rights, but are entitled to enjoy all the privileges of membership, including receiving notice of and attending all Meeting of Members. The Members shall elect a Board of Directors having a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 13 Directors.  From these Directors the following Officers of the Board shall be appointed; a President or Co-President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority vote of those Members present at the Annual Members Meeting. Quorum for the Annual Members Meeting or a Special Meeting of Members is 25% of Full Members in good standing. Quorum for a Board Meeting is a majority of acting Directors. The term of a Director is 3 years.  Directors shall be eligible for re-election for further 3-year terms. The Bylaws must be reviewed at a minimum every 5 years. Voting members are allowed to elect a proxy to vote in their place. Members meetings and Board meetings may take place by electronic means. Thank you on behalf of the BICA Board of Directors and the Bylaws Committee for taking the time to read these Bylaws.  We hope to see you at this year's Annual Meeting on July 27th.


American Pet Owners – Important Information

BICA  has received the following information from the Georgian Bay Association and we would like to make sure all of our American members are aware of the new US Government rules for dogs crossing the border.

There are new rules that you must follow to bring your pet back to the US. This new policy takes effect 8/1/24. Please check out their post:

2024 BICA Dues Invoice Reminder

It’s time to renew your 2024 BICA membership.

Your community association continues to make a difference by supporting fire prevention, water quality, reducing the threat of invasive species, warding against encroaching development, and holding events that bring us together. We are able to do this all of through the volunteerism of our community.

BICA’s budget predominantly goes toward the important work of the Georgian Bay Association (GBA) and FOCA. As we discussed at last year’s AGM, for the first time in seven years, GBA and FOCA have increased their dues and we have followed in step. As a result, BICA primary membership dues are now $105 and associate membership $50.

BICA is committed to the preservation and protection of the Bay of Islands for you and your family, and we need your support.

It takes under two minutes. Please click here to pay your dues now.

·  Dues should be paid through the Bay of Islands Community Association website

·  Questions about how to pay your dues? Contact Celesta Bjornson

Renewing your membership strengthens our community. We thank you for being a member of BICA!


Patrick Thoburn


Bay of Islands Community Association

New! Fire Safety Training to be held July 7th and August 11th

David Gallup has arranged for fire safety training to be conducted by NEMI Volunteer Fire Department. Training will be held at Bay Villa from 9 -11 am and is open to 20 participants for each session. Email David to reserve your spot: For full details, please visit our fire training calendar event page

In Memory of Lyn Baker

It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news that our beloved friend and long-time BICA member, Lyn Baker, passed away on February 4, 2024. 

Lyn and her husband Jim first came to the Bay of Islands in 1972 as guests of Tom Patterson, who invited the Baker family to his camp called Scioto Lodge. Ten years later, Jim and Lyn were offered the opportunity to buy the camp along with their dear friends Don and Betty Kieft. They spent every chance they could to clean up, maintain, and build life-long friends ever since. Lyn absolutely loved the serenity and relationships that camp afforded. Together they spent their retired summers at their rustic camp in the Bay of Islands with a community of friends like no other. 

We know you join us in sending your condolences to Lyn's three sons, Jeff, Scott and Danny, who are carrying on their traditions at Scioto Lodge, along with Lyn and Jim's four granddaughters. 

A memorial service celebrating the life of Lyn Wallace Baker was held at Grace Episcopal Church in Willoughby, OH on Saturday, March 2, 2024. Her son, The Reverend Jeff Baker, delivered her homily, which we have posted to the BICA website. Here is the link to the Obituary information for Lyn W. Baker.

In Memory of Rick Sterne

Dear Friends,

We lost a good friend to the Bay of Islands this past December.  Rick Sterne, a long time islander, past BICA president, past BICA treasurer, and lover of The Bay of Islands passed away on Tuesday, December 5th. He will be missed.  Rick’s family first came to the Bay of Islands in the mid 1920’s and fell in love with the area. The Sterne family bought the west end of Island 2502 in 1939 and called it West Point, which they still call it today.  Rick first came to the Bay of Islands as an infant.  As a boy, he enjoyed spending  his days, fishing, swimming, and building forts.  Rick served as BICA treasurer for seven years and then served as our president from 2013 to 2017.  He was a strong supporter of our mission and was a wonderful mentor to all who served on the board with him.  

Below is the link to Rick’s obituary.

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