
Latest News

89th Annual Member Meeting, join us this Saturday!

BICA’s 89th Annual Member Meeting (AMM) will be held this Saturday, July 27 at 10AM on Ireson Island, previous home of the historic Island Lodge (map), now lovingly restored by a group of families. We thank them for generously opening their camp to the BICA community and hosting our meeting this ...

Holy mackerel! This year's fish derby and fry were off the charts!

Saturday's fish derby & fry was another tremendous success for our Bay community! Our biggest social event of the year, it takes a school of volunteers to make happen.  Thanks to our hosts with the most, John and Celesta Bjornson, for graciously opening up Ruby Island ...

NEMI Ward 1 Update

Our Councillor, Laurie Cook, shared the following update from NEMI Ward 1: The Recreation Centre sees events all year long. Hockey and curling and pickleball, along with fitness and cooking classes are popular ways for people to stay active. Pickleball continues year-round and always welcomes ...

BICA 2024 Bylaws

The ONCA (Ontario Not for Profit Corporation Act) was updated in 2010 and only recently came into force on October 19th 2021.  There are new requirements for operating a not-for-profit outlined in the Act and our Association has until October 18th, 2024 to update our Bylaws and Articles to follow the ...

American Pet Owners - Important Information

BICA  has received the following information from the Georgian Bay Association and we would like to make sure all of our American members are aware of the new US Government rules for dogs crossing the border. There are new rules that you must follow to bring your pet back to the US. This new policy ...

2024 BICA Dues Invoice Reminder

It’s time to renew your 2024 BICA membership. Your community association continues to make a difference by supporting fire prevention, water quality, reducing the threat of invasive species, warding against encroaching development, and holding events that bring us together. We are able to do this ...

New! Fire Safety Training to be held July 7th and August 11th

David Gallup has arranged for fire safety training to be conducted by NEMI Volunteer Fire Department. Training will be held at Bay Villa from 9 -11 am and is open to 20 participants for each session. Email David to reserve your spot: For full details, please visit our fire training ...

In Memory of Lyn Baker

It is with a heavy heart that we share the sad news that our beloved friend and long-time BICA member, Lyn Baker, passed away on February 4, 2024.  Lyn and her husband Jim first came to the Bay of Islands in 1972 as guests of Tom Patterson, who invited the Baker family to his camp called ...

In Memory of Rick Sterne

Dear Friends, We lost a good friend to the Bay of Islands this past December.  Rick Sterne, a long time islander, past BICA president, past BICA treasurer, and lover of The Bay of Islands passed away on Tuesday, December 5th. He will be missed.  Rick’s family first came to the Bay of Islands in ...

Deadline for Underused Housing Tax Filing Extended Again

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has pushed back the deadline for compliance with the Underused Housing Tax (UHT), a new federal tax on vacant or underutilized housing. Taxpayers will now have until April 30, 2024 to file tax forms and pay any amounts owing for the 2022 calendar year. The deadline to ...