The BICA board has planned a fun filled summer for 2025! The board is excited to be bringing back some of our most popular events and trying out a few new ones. More details and requests for volunteers will be forthcoming as we get closer to summer, but please mark your calendars!
July 19th – Fish Derby and Fish Fry
July 20th – Family Fun Day, hosted by the extended Collie and Andy Jackson Family at Bay Camp TP2223
July 24th – Bas Bleu Book Club, hosted by Jane Drolet.
July 26th – Annual Member Meeting at the River Lodge in Whitefish Falls. Our hosts are Jacquie Wood and Steve Pinkney.
July 26th – Next Generation Party (20/30 something crowd) hosted by the extended Baker Family on TP2430.
August 2nd – 90th Anniversary Party and Pig Roast hosted by the families at the Island Lodge/Ireson Island
August 3rd – Annual Sailboat Regatta
You can find the full calendar with times and locations on our BICA Website.