BICA 2024 Annual Member Meeting Minutes

BICA Annual Members Meeting 2024

10:10AM – 11:25 AM EST Saturday July 27, 2024

Ireson Island – Island Lodge


  1. Call to Order 10:10am EST– Patrick Thoburn
  1. Amended Bylaws – Trevor Marshall
    1. Thanks to Ron Kivikink. and Scott Boatman for help on the Bylaws committee.
    1. Thanks to the MBA for their valuable assistance.
    1. Brief review of new Bylaw Requirements.
    1. Moved – That the general membership approves 2024 Bylaws as distributed on June 27th, 2024.
      1. Moved – Trevor Marshall
      1. Second – Jim Montgomery
        1. Passed: Unanimously
  1. Board Nominations – Trevor Marshall
    1. New slate of directors read by Trevor Marshall
      1. Lisa Allison
      1. Jeff Baker
      1. Celesta Bjornson
      1. David Farner
      1. David Gallup
      1. Ron Kivikink
      1. Trevor Marshall
      1. Liz Phillips
      1. Chris Redston
      1. Patrick Thoburn
      1. Sheila Williams
    1. Moved – That the general membership approves BICA Board of Directors for 2024-2025.
      1. Moved – Trevor M.
      1. Second – Jeff Baker
        1. Passed: Unanimously
  1. New Business
    1. None.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:25 AM EST

Minutes drafted by Trevor Marshall