Bay of Islands Community Association President’s Report, 2024

President’s Report Delivered at the 89th annual member meeting of BICA on July 27, 2024, by Board President Patrick Thoburn

Here we are back in the beautiful great room of the historic Island Lodge where the stories of so many of you who visit the Bay each year began as many as five generations ago. Thank you to Steve, Anita, and company for opening your doors to us.

Our community has been meeting for the past 89 years on these shores with the same unwavering purpose: To preserve and protect the Bay for future generations. 

Your board and association have been hard at work over the past twelve months, and I’d like to highlight some initiatives:

Unglamorous but necessary: We’ve made bylaw amendments bringing us in compliance with ONCA, the new legislation governing non-profit corporations in Ontario. Thanks to Trevor Marshall, Scott Boatman, and Ron Kivikink.

Fire safety: Training provided this Summer by NEMI volunteer fire department chief and colleagues has been invaluable. With a grant from Firesmart we were able to support the work of our local fire department through a donation. Last of the 10 new pumps are being installed. Thanks to David Gallup for leading our fire safety efforts,

We launched a WhatsApp Community. Thanks to Lisa Alison for leading all our community communications efforts.

Social Events continue to see record high attendance. Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction, Family Day, check calendar. Thanks to Celesta Bjornson, Sheila Williams, and the rest of the board for pulling the events together with the support of a cast of volunteers.

Wec continue to support GBA and FOCA and value the leadership of Liz Phillips at GBA. GBA continues to advocate on our behalf on issues like floating homes, aquaculture and invasive species.

We are in the midst of 90th Anniversary planning! More to come but special teaser: there will be Merch! More on that next Spring. Thanks to the planning committee of Sheila Williams, Celesta Bjornson, Lindsay Richards, Lisa Allison and Laura Farner.

Board Renewal. Our longest serving member Scott Boatman, including several years as president has retired from the board. We thank Scott sincerely for his service. We welcome Ron Kivikink to the board. The many volunteer hours given by the board are so appreciated by all of us.

Please spread the word about BICA, invite your neighbours and family members to join. Our membership is at a record high thanks to the organization of Celesta Bjornson, our membership director. We rely on the volunteer spirit of the community to keep going. Thank you for your support, enthusiasm, and membership in our association.